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Sand Creek Regional GreenwayA Night on the Greenway (ANOTG) is the Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership’s signature annual fundraiser event. We are excited to be back at Sand Creek Park for the 3rd year of ANOTG.

Each year, ANOTG raises critical funds for programs and Greenway preservation. Funds from ANOTG are essential in ensuring SCRGP staff can continue to serve the community and Greenway.

This event is unlike any other in the Denver Metro area. After just two years, ANOTG has established a reputation among attendees as an evening rich in culture, nature, and community. In 2024, we are excited to bring supporters of the Greenway and outdoor experiences together to highlight how this amazing corridor bridges people, places, and nature.

Attendees of ANOTG 2024 can expect local food and entertainment that can be accessed by using the trail to commute to these nearby destinations in the northeast community. And, as tradition would have it, attendees will be treated to the unveiling of the newest mural for the Sand Creek Art Walk!

Come for speciality cocktails, Spanish cuisine, animals from The Urban Farm and more!


A Night on the Greenway

A Night on the Greenway

A Night on the Greenway

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