Join a Committee
Committees are not just reserved for board members, but all CPBA members are encouraged to get involved in the planning and coordinating for what goes on in the Central Park Business Association. If you are interested in joining one of these committees, please just check for the next scheduled meeting and show up! Or you can reach out to one of the committee chairs.
Communications Committee
- Purpose: To discuss all things related to communications & marketing, including:
- Email Marketing: scheduling and content for Mailchimp
- Social Media: scheduling and content for posts on Instagram and Facebook including events, featured businesses, and member news, events & promotions
- Website: updating and improvements on the overall content, keeping the member directory up to date, adding in our events to the web calendar
- Print: any flyers, postcards, giveaways or other printed materials or physical products
- Meetings: 2nd Thursday at 11am of each month on Zoom
- Chair: Hailey Day
Events Committee
- Purpose: To discuss all things related to events, including:
- Recurring Monthly Events: happy hours, breakfasts, women in business lunches
- Booths: spring Conservatory Green egg hunt, summer movie and concert series, winter welcome
- CPBA Annual Holiday Party
- Special Events & Networking Ideas: business card fish bowl draw, giveaways, networking lunches, …
- Meetings: Last Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm at Stanley Marketplace common area
- Co-chairs: Julie Saenger and Marissa Ross
Finance Committee
- Purpose:
- set a budget for the calendar year
- review and approve expenses
- Meetings: TBD
- Members: Hailey Day, Enrique Orozco, Rob Mathes, Matt Blackburn
Fundraising Committee
- Purpose: To plan our fundraising goals and gift-giving program CPBA Gives.
- plan and coordinate the Central Park Mini Golf Classic event in May
- giving back to our local non-profits
- Meetings: 4th Mondays from 11am-12pm on Zoom
- Chair: Matt Blackburn
Membership Committee
- Purpose: To discuss all things related to membership, including:
- member outreach
- member benefits
- new member recruitment
- Meetings: 1st Monday at 10-11am of each month
- Co-chairs: Daniel Minkel and Jen Mathes
Welcome Bags Committee
- Purpose: To discuss all things related to new resident welcome bags, including:
- distribution and coordination with CPUN
- contents and collecting items
- Meetings: 3rd Monday from 12-1pm on Zoom
- Chair: Linda Beardsley