CPBA Meeting
May 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
7:45-8:00 Come early to network with other CPBA members and guests with free coffee. Fill welcome bags with promo items.
8:00-8:10: Welcome & Introductions
8:10-8:25: Speaker: Poorvi Parkhie, The Law Office of Poorvi Parkhie – The Corporate Transparency Act: What is it and How Does it Affect Small Business
8:25-8:40: Exercise: Making Connections + Collaborations—Clients, Referrals, and Shout Outs
8:40-9:00: Committee Updates / CPBA, Member & Community Announcements
9:00: Stay after to continue networking.
9:15-10:00: Join our CPBA Board meeting following the meeting.
New Resident Welcome Bags
Every month the CPBA delivers 50 welcome bags to the newest residents in the neighborhood. As a CPBA member you may include a promo item (pens, stickers, coupons, etc.) into the bags. Please bring 50 promo items to this meeting.
Have promo items, but can’t make it to the meeting?
If you aren’t able to make it to the meeting in person, but have promo items, you can drop them off at Runway Workspaces, 2373 Central Park Blvd #100, Denver, CO 80238, between Monday – Friday between 10am – 5pm. Drop off cutoff is 3pm the day before our meeting.
Help deliver Welcome Bags
Please sign up to help deliver Welcome Bags after the CPBA Monthly Meeting. In your response, let us know how many you are willing to drop off at homes.
If you can’t make it in person, join us on Zoom starting at 8am on Tuesday.