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3rd Tuesday: CPBA MeetingJoin us in person at The Cube, 8371 Northfield Blvd, for our monthly CPBA meeting.


7:30-8:00 Come early to network with other CPBA members and guests with free coffee. Fill new resident bags with promos.

8:00-8:10: Welcome & Introductions

8:10-8:25: Featured Speaker: Tracie Konigsbauer, Realtor “Meet Tracie with the Blue Pebble Group”

8:25-8:40: Featured Speaker: Rachel Baumel, Sleep Again Pillows “How I started and run businesses in Central Park (Baby Power, Creative Learning Preschool, Family Law Mediation & Sleep Again Pillows)”

8:40-9:00: Committee Updates / CPBA, Member & Community Announcements

9:00: Stay after to continue networking.



Join on Zoom


Meeting ID: 909 072 1195
Passcode: cpba



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