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CPBA Pickleball Social is right around the corner — at Redline on September 29 from 4-6 pm. Come enjoy the game of pickleball plus food, drinks and fun prizes to win!

A great time to network with local businesses and do something active and fun! Now is time to sign up for the fall CPBA Pickleball Social! Open to CPBA members and guests. Play the game everyone is falling in love with.

Register on the Sign Up Genius link

Pickleball Lessons at Redline

It’s still not too late to grab a few lessons at Redline! Redline is offering discount for lessons ($139 per person) to CPBA members for three weeks of 90-minute sessions that run on the following dates/times.

Pickleball Academies:

  • Sundays, Aug 18, Aug 25 & Sept 1 from noon-1:30pm (2 spots left)
  • Saturdays, Sept 7, Sept 14, and Sept 21 from 2-3:30pm (2 spots left)
  • Saturdays, Sept 7, Sept 14, and Sept 21 from 3:30-5pm (4 spots left)

Email Linda Bradford directly at lbradford@redlineathletics to reserve a spot.

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