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Schooley Mitchell of Denver

 Cost Reduction Consultants
Schooley Mitchell

As you know, your essential services such as telecom, merchant services, shipping, waste, eSignature and electronic logging devices play a vital role in the success of every business. Evaluating the products and services that best balance your goals of minimum cost and maximum service can be a very time consuming and frustrating task.

At Schooley Mitchell, we can help you do just that – and with no risk to you!

We do Four basic things.

  1. We audit your current and recent bills to look for errors, which we find about 20% of the time.
  2. We check your services for you to see if you are paying for things, you don’t want or need.
  3. We examine the marketplace using our specialized processes and tools to identify the best prices possible while maintaining the same level of service for you.
  4. We continue to audit and monitor your bills for 3 years. During this time, we continue to make sure you are being billed correctly and keep an eye on the market to see if there are additional savings.

Two really great things about our service:

  1. Our Fees are self-funded from the savings; if we don’t find savings for you, there is no fee at all – just a free audit.
  2. We are completely independent of all vendors – we only look out for your best interests.
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